Is your staff screened and trained?

Yes. All our staff members are thoroughly screened for any criminal history, and we ensure they follow best cleaning practices. They also take tests on a regular basis.

Who will clean my home?

One of the advantages of hiring Welcome Home Cleaning is that our staff are very well selected. While we are not selling our services by time or number of people, normally a team of two or three cleaners will be cleaning your home. We always prefer to send a team, please be aware that we cannot guarantee this as unforeseen circumstances such as days off or illnesses may mean that we switch the team assigned to your home, in that case we prefer to provide the service as a priority even if one person has to perform job. That one person will provide the same service level than a team. Our employees are very skillful and effective.

Does your staff accept tips and or end of year bonuses?

Yes we do and are thrilled when we receive them! Our teams always strive to do their best and therefore tips are highly appreciated but never expected. Cash gratuities should be given directly to the cleaning staff at the time of your visit and each employee will be responsible for reporting their tips as directed by law. However, if a tip or end of year bonus is left on a check, it will be pooled into a general employee bonus fund to be divided equitably among all staff members, not necessarily to the crew that cleaned your home last. Even when we will let them know you tipped them. Not the tipping type? No worries! Another way that you can help us is providing a great review when you receive the survey after the service. We review that and the feedback with all our staff weekly. We truly appreciate if you can drop a good review in Google or Yelp that is always very important for a small business like us.

What if I find a problem with the service?

Although we do a very professional cleaning, we are humans and goof once in a while. We do offer a WALK-THROUGH BENEFIT. All customers have the benefit of a final walk-through at the end of each service. This is to ensure satisfactory service right on the spot.

How do I pay you?

We accept major credit and debit cards. You may update the payment information any time at

Is a contract involved?

No. Welcome Home does not use contracts. However, we do have Service Terms that you can see anytime at These Service Terms outlines our written agreement on the work to be performed and you are accepting them by providing your payment information. You are not officially on the schedule, until you provide your payment information! This process ensures that there is no miscommunication and both parties are “on the same page”.

Is it okay to leave instructions on a note?

We believe that good communication is crucial to maintaining a good business relationship. We welcome all feedback about our services and if there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know. While a note with instructions is ok in an emergency or a hurry, we rather prefer an email, that way we make sure it is properly documented and included in the work orders for your home.

Do I need to be present while you clean?

You do not. It is a privilege for us to be able to come into your home to perform our service. Therefore, it is entirely up to you if you are there while we clean. Most of the clients prefer to continue with their activities and they hide a key for our team or use a lock-box with code. Note that we do not provide a key-holding service but if you are in our recurring services we are happy to offer you a key hider or a door key lock box for that you may use for the day of service.

Do you charge a lock out or a turn away fee?

Yes, if the cleaning crew arrives to your home and we are not able to clean for any reason, you will be charged a lock out/turn away fee of 100% of the cleaning fee to pay for their gas, mileage, time they took to get to your home and due to the impossibility of finding a replacement job. We required a 48 hours notice before the service day to avoid the lock out fee.